You can also enrol if you simply want to learn the fundamentals of capital markets. The NCFM course by NSE is a basic level programme for all those people who wish to begin a career in the financial markets in India. The NCFM program operates on the intranet and is administered through the designated test centres located across India. You can register online and enrol yourself for this program by paying a fee. The module will be absolutely basic and will be also relevant to people who are not from commerce background. The beginner module of NCFM is named as “Financial Markets-A Beginner’s module”. This certification program is suitable for beginners who want to learn about the stock market and evaluate their skills.

It offers a great opportunity for people interested in increasing their skills and knowledge in the Financial field. It an online testing and certification program offered by the National Stock Exchange of India (NSE). NCFM stands for NSE Certification in Financial Markets.